Beautiful pics of Jennifer Garner feet legs

Jennifer Garner is a West Virginia native who was born in Houston on the 17th of April, 1972. William John Garner served as an engineer at Union Carbide. Patricia Ann, her mother taught at a nearby college. She received her degree in chemical engineering to emulate her father. To fulfill her ambition to be an actor the actress decided to move to New York and try her attempt at acting in Hollywood. Chefs were employed at a New York restaurant and was a part of Broadway productions. She was in a minor part on "Felicity" (where she also came into contact with Scott Foley). Garner was a star in"the romantic comedy "13 Going on 30" in which she portrayed a teenager trapped in a 30 year-old's body. Garner selected Gary Winick for the role as director. Both actors continued working in other films up when Winick's death in the year 2011. Garner received the title of an artist ambassador for Save the Children U.S.A. The role includes promotion of national literacy, nutrition, early education and different aspects. Garner is a board member for the non-profit group since the year 2014. She advocates early childhood education. In her role as an ambassador, Garner visits often with the families who participate in Early Steps to School Success which is a program designed to guide parents in how to assist young children to learn.

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